Warrior Martial Arts LLC
For those individuals or schools that wish to affiliate with Warrior Martial Arts LLC, the following memberships are available:
1. Student membership $25.00 per year. The student receives a Certificate of Membership with Warrior Martial Arts LLC and is listed on our data base. Anyone seeking verification of the student's membership in our organization will be notified that the student is a member in good standing and entitled to all rights and privileges pertaining thereto.
2. School Membership $100.00 per year. The school receives a Certificate of Membership with Warrior Martial Arts LLC and is listed on our data base. Anyone seeking verification of the school's membership in our organization will be notified that the school is a member in good standing and entitled to all rights and privileges pertaining thereto. Schools will be able to award rank once the chief instructor of that school has reached a certain rank. All schools in good standing are authorized to open a school under the authority of Warrior Martial Arts LLC to teach Contemporary Jeet Kune Do even before the chief instructor has been certified. This will enable the student instructor to practice and develop both his or her skill sets and teaching abilities. If a school is affiliated with Warrior Martial Arts LLC, the student membership for the chief instructor is included at no additional charge.
In order to be considered for Affiliation, please email your martial arts training resume to pfsblj@gmail.com and pay the $100 membership fee through our Store.